Police Officer (Non-Represented)
University Police
Job #540938
First Review Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Open Until Filled
At Cal Poly Humboldt, bold hearts and open minds shape the future.
Founded in 1913, Cal Poly Humboldt began as a small college for teachers. Today Humboldt has grown into a comprehensive university with rigorous science and liberal arts programs. Designated a polytechnic in 2022, Cal Poly Humboldt provides hands-on, impactful educational opportunities that lead to meaningful, measurable outcomes for the individual, for the state, and the world.
Cal Poly Humboldt is proud to have nearly 6,000 students of all backgrounds spread across 61 majors, 13 graduate programs, and 4 credential programs — all of whom contribute passion and creativity within their fields and set the stage for a future grounded in equity and sustainability. Hands-on learning, inspired teaching, ground-breaking research, and thought-provoking creative activity happen daily at Humboldt.
Cal Poly Humboldt is a Hispanic-Serving Institution that strives to foster an inclusive and equitable community to support our students of diverse backgrounds. We are committed to achieving the goals of equal opportunity and endeavors to employ faculty and staff of the highest quality committed to working in a multicultural and multiracial community that reflects the diversity of the state.
Finding a better future is a task for the bold and open, the down-to-earth and visionary. Cal Poly Humboldt strives to cultivate these qualities in leaders, innovators, and scholars in every field.
(Job #540938) Police Offer – Non-Represented, Hiring Range: $37 - $66/hour. Appointments are typically made at the beginning of the salary range. This is an intermittent hourly, non-benefitted, part-time position in the University Police Department.
Position Summary:
Under the direction of a Sergeant, the police officer proactively patrols campus buildings, grounds, forest, off-campus satellite facilities, and other University-owned properties by foot, vehicle, or bicycle, emphasizing community-policing activities and promoting student success.
Police Officers are the primary representatives of the Cal Poly Humboldt University Police Department, directly responsible for delivery of public safety and law enforcement services on and near the campus and other properties owned, controlled or occupied by the University. Police Officers work under the supervision of, and report directly to, a Sergeant of Police or Lieutenant. Police Officers must work independently as well as collaboratively, carrying out instructions and self-initiating activity in a manner consistent with law, regulations, department policies and standard procedures.
Police Officers engage in preventative patrols on foot, bicycle, and by vehicle, and respond to calls for service from University affiliates and the general public. They make arrests, conduct thorough investigations, prepare necessary documentation and testify in court. They maintain custody of and arrange for the proper disposition of evidence, contraband and lost & found property. Police Officers may work with civilian and other law enforcement agencies to provide for security and safety of persons and property at University ceremonies and events, and serve as a proactive resource to a uniquely diverse community.
Key Responsibilities:
General law enforcement, proactive patrol, investigate, emergency response, event management, and community policing
- Promptly seek out, gather, and accurately interpret applicable information at the start of each shift; make plans, brief personnel, clarify assignments, and disseminate information as appropriate. Set personal priorities for the day.
- Maintain a high level of personal readiness for quick response at any time during a shift, in order to respond to and/or to assume a leadership role in a significant campus event, serious crime, emergency situation, or disaster.
- Proactively patrol campus buildings, grounds, and forest by foot, vehicle, motorcycle, off-road vehicle, or bicycle, emphasizing community-policing activities including introducing oneself to others, making conversation, inquiries about safety needs, and offering police assistance. Promote student success.
- Proactively patrol residence halls and other facilities in the residence hall community. Emphasize community-policing activities such as casual conversation, joining in social events or games, and establishing positive relationships with residents, furthering their success.
- Patrol and respond to calls for service at off-campus satellite facilities and other University-owned or controlled-properties.
- Patrol campus boundaries, especially corridors heavily-used by persons entering and leaving campus.
- Make multiple daily operational and safety decisions, following the law and policy, taking action to minimize risk to the campus community and liability to the University.
- Maintain continuous monitoring of campus and Arcata-area calls for service, emergencies, events, activities, and campus community safety risks for the duration of assigned shift. Follow University Watch Commanders’ instructions and make appropriate personal decisions about deploying University resources, especially in off-campus situations and settings. Spend sufficient, appropriate amounts of time on patrol outside the station, around the campus, and on foot in and around the Residence Community.
- Provide assistance to local law enforcement, criminal justice, and other public safety/service agencies.
- Assist with building security as necessary and assigned, including but not limited to: handling special opening requests, scheduled and non-scheduled; closing and locking facilities when there are no personnel available to do so; training and assisting student employees assigned to building security tasks and taking proactive steps to secure buildings found with open doors or windows during after-hours patrols.
- Detect and report safety risks and concerns to the appropriate officials, minimizing risk and liability.
- Provide safety escorts and escorts of staff members carrying money on campus, as assigned.
- Provide motorist assists on campus as assigned, including jump-starting dead batteries and attempting to unlock vehicles for owners/responsible parties without keys.
- Perform other acts of service as requested and appropriate, such as assisting a campus community member with a malfunctioning lock, alarm, or other problem.
- Respond to questions by faculty, staff, students, and campus visitors. Provide information about the University as appropriate. Present a positive image of the campus. Counsel people as necessary and make referrals.
- Respond to emergencies and incidents including violent crime, industrial accidents, vehicle accidents, falls, overdoses, and other medical emergencies; personally deliver or ensure that other professionals deliver first-aid to persons who are seriously ill or injured; arrange for transport to a hospital as required. Carry out follow-up investigation and documentation and make notifications as appropriate.
- Respond to urgent/dangerous situations, including but not limited to: burglar, panic, and fire alarms; lost or missing persons; and hazardous conditions. Take leadership role as appropriate, ensuring that appropriate resources are effectively applied to minimize loss of life, injury, property damage, and risk/liability to the University. Carry out follow-up investigation and documentation and make notifications as appropriate.
- Respond to campus disasters, including but not limited to: fire, earthquake, active shooter, and potentially violent civil unrest, taking a leadership role as appropriate, and ensuring that appropriate resources are effectively applied to minimize loss of life, injury, property damage, and risk/liability. Carry out follow-up investigation and documentation and make notifications as appropriate.
- Monitor/control crowds and safety risks during special events, athletic competitions, and assemblies.
- Enforce campus and state parking regulations through warnings and hand-written citations.
- Control and direct vehicle/bicycle/pedestrian traffic as needed or assigned.
- Preserve the peace and enforce the law at public gatherings, residence hall gatherings, neighborhood disputes, and repossessions of property.
- Respond to suspicious circumstances, reports of criminal activity, and possible violations of University Policy. Establish and maintain positive, supportive relationship with victim(s). Request needed resources. Maintain objectivity. Conduct or assist in the investigation of these matters, gather/preserve/book evidence, carry out interviews, take notes, make sketches, take photos, record statements, check records. Seek out and document both incriminating and exculpatory information, summarize findings in police reports, memoranda, briefings, and other documents, using Department network computers. Submit documents to appropriate authority for review and routing to University officials, outside agencies, and/or the District Attorney. Maintain contact with victim(s) as directed or appropriate.
- Detect and lawfully detain violators of State law and University regulations. Issue warnings, hand-written citations, or make physical arrests as appropriate and lawful, using only a reasonable level of force. Promptly prepare and submit appropriate documentation.
- Transport prisoners to Juvenile Hall, the County Correctional Facility, or the Department station for booking. Carry out and/or assist with the booking process, ensuring that suspect and their property are handled fairly, respectfully, and lawfully.
- Book, photograph and fingerprint suspect(s) that have been arrested and brought to the station. Carry out interviews and interrogations in compliance with the law and the Constitution.
- Comply with subpoenas, appear in court or as directed, and provide accurate testimony. Testify in administrative matters as directed.
- Maintain proficiency in patrol equipment and tactics, including but not limited to handling high-risk calls, police radio systems, CPR, defibrillator, first aid, firearms, Taser®, PepperBall®, arrest techniques and prisoner handling, defensive tactics, emergency vehicle operation and high-speed driving, and emergency management.
- Maintain training and minimum technical proficiency to assist or temporarily assume the role of Dispatcher when the Dispatcher must leave their work station for 5-10 minutes.
- Participate in and successfully complete all training required and as assigned, meeting Department Standards, CSU policies, and California POST regulations.
- Assist in the coordination and information sharing of ongoing criminal and other investigations as assigned and appropriate. Ensure that assigned investigations and other ongoing matters are promptly reported to appropriate authorities, including Student Affairs, as directed by the appropriate supervisor.
- At the end of the shift, seek out oncoming personnel and personally brief them on significant incidents and critical or time-sensitive tasks and information. Prepare appropriate notes, messages, or documents to ensure the smooth flow of information from shift to shift.
- When assigned as an Incident Commander for a special event or pre-planned police action (e.g., search warrant): Make notifications and seek approval as appropriate; carry out pre-event planning and coordination activities; arrange for/schedule necessary resources; use the Incident Command System; prepare and disseminate Operations Orders; conduct pre-event briefing; supervise and direct deployment of resources during event; keep track of personnel time and overtime; gather staff and debrief; submit After-Action Report.
- When serving as an Incident Commander for a crime in progress, emergency situation, or disaster: make appropriate notifications; arrange for necessary resources; use the principles of Incident Command System (ICS), Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), and HSU’s Emergency Management Plan. Accurately assess problems, risk, safety issues, and priorities, assign personnel and delegate tasks, make timely decisions, decide upon and implement appropriate Action Plans, and effectively build a team-oriented, coordinated response to the circumstances. Be prepared to assume a variety of critical leadership roles in a campus disaster, including serving as the Police Department Operations Center Director. Gather staff and debrief. Assist in documentation.
- ii. When assigned as a Field Training Officer, provide field training for new personnel and complete Daily Observation Reports and other documentation as required.
- When serving as an Acting Watch Commander, assign, coordinate, supervise, motivate, inform, and direct police personnel on a shift. Directly supervise patrol officer(s) and dispatcher, and if there is no other supervisor present, provide direction and leadership for other non-sworn personnel as necessary.
- When serving as an Acting Watch Commander, review and take responsibility for the police activities of the shift, appropriate follow-up actions, and prompt submittal of through, accurate reports and other documentation.
- When serving as an Acting Watch Commander, assist in sworn personnel schedule adjustments, including arranging for shifts to be filled when left vacant by illness, injury, or other reasons. Review and approve/deny proposed changes and modifications to the schedule, documenting any changes and making notifications as appropriate. Ensure that no unauthorized schedule changes are made, and that the official schedule accurately reflects who worked when.
- When serving as an Acting Watch Commander, receive and/or recognize any report of on-the-job injury by a police employee. Ensure that proper medical treatment is given. Investigate and document the circumstances of the injury. Promptly notify the appropriate supervisor, who will hold responsibility to ensure completion of a Supervisor’s Report of Injury, and completion of Workers’ Compensation paperwork with the injured employee.
- Work tactfully and effectively with a diverse community. Demonstrate tolerance and respect, communicating clearly, logically, and courteously, professionally representing Humboldt State University and the California State University System.
- Maintain neat and professional standards in both personal appearance and appearance/organization of work stations.
- Uphold the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics and University Police Department policies.
- The University Police Department require at least twenty-four (24) hours worked within a month period.
Performance of administrative support duties & special assignments
- Assist Sergeants, Lieutenant, and Chief in the development and/or revision of department forms, policies and procedures.
- Provide line-level feedback and planning input regarding operational issues including: staffing levels; communications; department priorities; improving the campus emergency plan; equipment and supply needs.
- Accept assignments and carry out responsibilities of key departmental positions, including but not limited to: Field Training Officer; Incident Commander for certain limited campus events; serving on recruitment committees, and Anti-Terrorism Liaison Team.
- Assume assigned responsibility to attend meetings and participate in various campus and local committees, including but not limited to: Alcohol and Other Drugs, EOP-Athletics-Learning Center, Judicial Norming, Sexual Assault Prevention Committee, Gang Task Force, Arson Task Force, Sexual Assault Response Team, Child Abuse Services Team.
- Receive training and/or assume assigned responsibility for additional, specialized work assignments, including but not limited to: Rangemaster, less-lethal weapons instructor, active-shooter response instructor, breath alcohol equipment coordinator, personal protective equipment specialist, sexual assault/sex crimes specialist, traffic specialist, physical fitness coordinator, first aid instructor, CPR instructor, canine handler, field training officer, defensive tactics instructor, motorcycle patrol off-road vehicle patrol, bicycle patrol, mounted patrol, crime prevention specialist, community relations programs, vehicle fleet coordinator, policy review, multicultural officer, translator, high-tech crimes, anti-terrorism liaison officer, use-of-force review, Critical Response Unit (CRU).
- Provide Information and/or training to other members of the campus community in areas of personal expertise, including but not limited to the specialized assignments mentioned above, general law enforcement topics, and general emergency management preparedness.
- Complete specialized tasks, training responsibilities, or other duties as assigned.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Associated with this Position Include:
- Basic knowledge and understanding of the Constitution, state laws and regulations, especially those related to campus law enforcement, especially those involving use of force, prisoner handling, search and seizure, interrogations, investigative procedures, viability of prosecution; liability/risk awareness.
- The ability to develop expanded knowledge and understanding of: current law enforcement procedures and methods; patrol techniques; investigative procedures; effective handling of serious/violent crimes; emergency management of critical incidents and campus emergency situations; disaster response.
- The ability to read, understand, remember, interpret, apply, and follow critical CSU, Cal Poly Humboldt, and Department guidelines, policies, and procedures, including those related to: University Code of Rules and Regulations; the Student Code of Conduct; Housing Regulations; Emergency Management Plan; Chain of Command; Delegation of Authority; Professional Standards of Conduct; Arrests, Searches, Seizure, Custody and Detention; Use of Force; Handling Juveniles; Involuntary drawing of blood; CLETS Access Issues; CLERY Act; FERPA; Criminal History and Police Report Information: Vehicle Use and Pursuits; Property and Evidence Handling and Control; Domestic Violence; Responses to Child Abuse and Elder Abuse; Response to Sexual Assault; Response to Hazardous Waste/Materials Incidents; Missing Persons Investigations and Amber Alerts; Medical Marijuana; Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents; Implementation of Sexual Offender Laws under 290 PC; Off-Duty Police Related Incidents; Officer-Involved Shootings and Fatal Incidents; Outside Employment Conflicts of Interest; Report Processing and Routing.
- Knowledge of the role of law enforcement on a California State University campus and the ability to work tactfully and effectively with a diverse public community. The ability to demonstrate tolerance and respect, communicating clearly, logically, and courteously, professionally representing Cal Poly Humboldt and the California State University System.
- The ability to accurately analyze situations, develop and evaluate courses of action, make sound judgments, and initiate reasonable actions in an appropriate amount of time given the circumstances, sometimes under stressful and/or dangerous conditions.
- The knowledge of correct spelling and basic English, and the ability to prepare professional, well-organized, easy-to-understand, concise reports, memos, and other documents.
- The ability to read and critically review and evaluate written reports and documents, and to effectively train/direct subordinates in professionally creating/correcting reports and documents.
- The ability to give and receive routine and complex oral and written instructions.
- The ability to be productive, performing quality work in acceptable volume within established deadlines.
- The ability to work effectively, professionally, and productively with or without direct supervision.
- The ability to handle multiple tasks and priorities, maintain personal organization, and accomplish tasks in a prioritized manner; the ability to accomplish these tasks with operational economy, allocating appropriate resources to each task or assignment.
- The ability to accept responsibility, direction, and change.
- The ability to maintain good attendance and to be prompt in observing work hours and other assignments.
- The ability to safely operate and assist in the care of equipment. o. The ability to demonstrate initiative and creativity in work performed.
- The ability to learn new tasks and other details with speed and thoroughness.
- The ability to learn, follow, demonstrate, and teach established safety practices.
- The ability to acquire and maintain the job skills to effectively carry out all the responsibilities listed in the Position Summary and the Essential Job Functions (see above).
Minimum Qualifications:
- High school diploma or equivalent.
- Graduation from a California POST-Certified police academy.
- Completion of POST requirements for Level II reserve
- Current POST eligibility for employment as a California Peace Officer.
- Valid California Driver License with a safe, prudent driving record.
- Be lawfully authorized to carry a firearm.
- Be capable of performing all essential functions of this position.
Preferred Qualifications:
Past experience in campus law enforcement
Past experience as a law enforcement trainer/instructor
POST Intermediate or Advanced Certificate
Bachelor’s Degree in related field
Bilingual skills
Application Procedure: To apply, qualified candidates must electronically submit the following materials by clicking the Apply Now button:
- Letter of Interest
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae
- Contact information for at least three professional references
Application Deadline: The deadline to submit application materials before first review is 11:55 p.m. on Monday, September 23, 2024.
Any inquiries about this recruitment can be directed to careers@humboldt.edu or Cal Poly Humboldt’s Human Resources Office at (707) 826-3626.
Class Code: 8347
Publication Date: 9/10/2024