Jobs - Recent Jobs

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Community Placement and Practicum Education Coordinator Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's Department of Social Work is now accepting applications for a Community Placement and Practicum Education Coordinator!
School of Engineering Laboratory Technician Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's School of Engineering is now accepting applications for a Laboratory Technician!
Police Officer - Non-Represented Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's University Police is now accepting applications for a Police Officer!
Police Dispatcher I Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's University Police are now accepting applications for a Police Dispatcher!
Police Lieutenant Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's University Police Department is now accepting applications for a Police Lieutenant!
Residence Life Coordinator Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's Department of Housing & Residence Life is looking for a Residence Life Coordinator (RLC)! The Residence Life Coordinator is a professional, full-time, live-in position in Residence Life. The RLC is responsible for student, community, and social justice advocacy within the residence halls; comprehensive oversight of Student Leaders and various Learning Communities; in an overall housing area of approximately 3,000 students. This position is responsible for the coordination of housing initiatives that foster curricular and co-curricular engagement for our residents. Communities house a total of 210 - 650 students. Educators interested in working with a socially just, team-oriented, academically centered, and environmentally responsible organization are strongly encouraged to apply.
Police Officer Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt's University Police Department is now accepting applications for Police Officers!
Custodian Humboldt
Cal Poly Humboldt is now recruiting for motivated professionals for the position of Custodian. Successful candidates will join a supporting and vibrant team in Facilities Management, with ample opportunity for training, advancement, and excellent benefits.
Cal Poly Humboldt is hiring experienced bus drivers to take University classes on both local and remote field trips. This position is an hourly position that is scheduled on an "as-needed" basis, depending on class field trip requests during each semester. We are looking for someone with a flexible schedule that prefers to work on average 20-80 hours/month, primarily during the months of Jan-May and Aug-November.

Please note, there are known accessibility barriers in the use of this product. While many issues have been corrected, improvement work continues.
For assistance with faculty positions, please contact the APS team at (707) 826-5086 or email us at
For assistance with staff positions, please contact the HR team at (707) 826-3626 or email us at

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2021 Annual Fire Safety Report

Pursuant to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the 2021 Annual Fire Safety Report (AFSR) is now available for viewing at The purpose of this report is to disclose statistics for fires that occurred within Cal Poly Humboldt's housing facilities for 2018, 2019, and 2020, and to distribute fire safety policies and procedures intended to promote safety on campus. A paper copy of the AFSR is available upon request by contacting the Housing & Residence Life Department located at:

355 Granite Ave
Arcata, CA 95521
(707) 826-3451